Ministry Partners

Reaching The Heart Through The Mind!
We the members of Grace Celebration Fellowship are called by God to Restore Broken Lives and Recapture
Shattered Dreams through the clear and practical teaching of the Word of God. Our Mission is to help you
find your assignment in life which brings personal fulfillment and the accomplishment of your God-given
purpose for the Glory of God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Revelation of Jesus Christ Ministries was founded in 1993, by Pastor/Evg. Isaac Harris. He was called from his mother's womb to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Harris began his ministry as a traveling Evangelist and traveled the states preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Our context is the doctrine of Jesus Christ and his holy apostles as stipulated in Ephesians 2:20, and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. Revelation of Jesus Christ Ministries has embraced the vision of the Lord and his Holy apostles to proclaim the gospel throughout the entirety of the world. Endeavoring to show by revelation of the spirit the sacred truths of the scripture. Paul stated the the gospel he preached was not after man neither was he taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. God's word is light this means spiritual insight and divine enlightenment. We must be God's light to this world of darkness in which we live. Therefore it is our mission at Revelation of Jesus Christ Ministries to sow the gospel of christ throughout the world beginning in the hearts of the church and to the ends of the earth. Our mission also involves creating a spiritual environment that can be a safe gathering place for the people of God to come and experience the joy, the grace, and forgiveness of the Lord Jesus Christ through repentance and prepare for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

New Birth Baptist Church is a cross-generational congregation with two Spirit filled worship services every Sunday! You will experience musical selections that range from contemporary praise and worship to traditional gospel to worshipful hymns of the faith. You will find a warm, welcoming and inviting spirit at New Birth. You are welcome and encouraged to seek God’s face and grow in your relationship with your Creator. Come and join us as we serve Jesus with joy!

At The Lighthouse Church, We Worship The Lord. We Worship Him Seriously, Joyfully And Enthusiastically. During Our Services, Worship Takes Many Forms. Sometimes Its Structured And At Other Times, Its Spontaneous. Sometimes Its Loud And At Other Times Its Very Quiet. Sometimes Our Faces Show An Explosive Celebrations Of Praise And At Other Times, Anthems. Scripture Is Oor Source And Pattern And Principle. Ministry To God And To One Another Is Our Goal. Decency And Order Are Constant Watch Words. Hopefully This Will Help You Understand What Is Happening In Our Worship And Provide You With Biblical Information. We Invite You To Worship With Us.

Dr. Derrick Noble Show has been helping business leaders, church leaders, and churches take their leadership and communication skills to the next level of excellence for two decades. His passion has led him to support those from all walks of life to become more influential leadersand more confident communicators. He was featured as one of the Top 20 Young Black preachers in the African American Pulpit Magazine and won numerous awards as a church growth expert.

The Abundant Life Worship Center DFW was founded in July of 2021 in Mesquite, TX by Pastor Dr. Myron D. Jones. The ALWC DFW is a place of healing and restoration, where people can come and worship God, and feel safe doing so. We are a giving, and a loving church. We are not a Black church, a White church, or a Hispanic church, but rather we are the church of Jesus Christ where everyone is welcome.
Looking to become a Ministry Partner? Contact our team to get started!